
What are your hours?

Monday – Friday pick up-5:30pm
PD Days - 8am - 5pm
Closed - Stat Holidays, Christmas break, March break (as families are often away and alternative camps are offered during these times)

What are the fee’s?

F/T care for the Kindergarten program is $985/month (no tax). 

F/T care for the after school care program is $595/month (no tax). 

Preschool program is dependant upon hours/days (2 - 4 days a week)

Rates are averaged per month according to your child’s enrolment details.  Fee’s are due monthly and payable on the 1st of each month.  

Do you pick up and walk from the school?

Yes! I will meet your child at his/her school or bus stop and weather permitting walk home.  In the event the weather is too cold, we will drive the few blocks home.

Do you provide Lunch or snacks?

Since COVID, we have decided to limit shared meals/snacks. On occasion, if a child has finished all of their packed lunch at school and is still hungry, then an individual snack will be provided.

Can you provide references?

Yes, absolutely, I have several and contacts are available upon request.